Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Mother's Little Helper Edition. Because sometimes everyone just needs a little help with their grocery lists and meal planning, right?
Never fear, Bad Kitty Gnocchi is here. To, you know... "help." Or to sprawl across the ad I'm trying to look at in order to reclaim the attention that should rightfully be hers. One or the other.
I spy with my little eye...
One cat...
Two cats...
Three cats...
A scaredy...
So, we've been having our crumbling old chimney rebuilt this week. This has turned out to be a pretty tough week for the cats, who in general disapprove of things such as saws, hammering, loud crashes, and people stomping around on the roof yelling at each other over their own noisy equipment. Our week in cat photos thus reflects a week of hiding in, under, and behind various things in a vain effort to escape the ongoing madness. (And nope: It's not done yet!)
Going so soon?
So, if you must be going now, Bad Kitty Gnocchi is kind of hoping you'll pop her into this handy library bag and whisk her away from all of the madness.
While the Bad Kitty Lucy sometimes agrees with that sentiment and wishes someone would take her sister on a little trip...
So, how’s your Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?
Let me belatedly hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July with family and friends, and, even though they are not cats per se: Here are my goofy boys at our BBQ! (Look how tall High School Guy is now!)
And that’s it for this week’s Caturday -- So, since that’s us for now: How’s your own Caturweek (or cat-free week) going? How's your... back-to-school shopping (ack) going? And… Be sure to tune in next time for the next episode in the exciting adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends.
Saturday 14th of July 2018
What a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.