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Mini Strawberry Tarts, Made By Mr. 10

These Mini Strawberry Tarts are super easy for kids to make — as evidenced by my 10-year-old here! Up today we have a not-a-health-food-but-how-cute-are-these Mini Strawberry Tarts recipe from Mr. 10! He recently checked a kids baking book out of the library, got inspired, and made up this batch of mini strawberry tarts (or “baby …

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Where have I been all afternoon? Well, there was reading to a dog…

I’m back… did you miss me? 😉 It was a crazy afternoon of driving kids hither and yon, culminating in this incredibly adorable “read to the dogs” program at the library. Mr. 9 was in love with Jesse James here, and it’s such a cool idea. What’s the neatest program you’ve ever been to at …

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What does the fox say?

We checked this cute book out of the library yesterday called Wild Eats and Adorable Treats: 40 Animal-Inspired Meals and Snacks for Kids. It really is adorable, and Mr. 9 has been flipping through to bookmark things he wants to make. This afternoon’s project was inspired the “Foxy Fruit Snack,” except Mr. 9 wanted his fox to be …

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