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Make It Or Buy It: DIY Stainless Steel Refrigerator Cleaner

Welcome back to Make It or Buy It! Up today: DIY stainless steel refrigerator cleaner vs Endust. Because a stainless steel fridge is beautiful, but it is also a fingerprint magnet extraordinaire… It’s not particularly easy to take photos of a reflective surface in a kitchen with poor lighting and a lot of glare, but …

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Make It or Buy It? Salad Dressing — Plus an Avocado Vinaigrette Recipe

Welcome back to Make It or Buy It! Up today: Salad dressing. I’m trying to eat less sugar in the New Year (more on that later…), so have been starting to pay more attention to the crazy amount of added sugars in processed foods. I don’t have a lot of salad dressing in my house …

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Wrap Your Gifts… With stuff you have around the house!

Can I just confess something to you guys? I. Hate. Buying. Wrapping. Paper! Seriously. Hate it! I hate paying for something that will be ripped off and tossed away in 30 seconds. I hate trying to find patterns that work on both smaller and larger gifts. I hate trying to find gift wrap that will …

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Easy Homemade Taco Seasoning

Today in Frugal Homemade: Easy Homemade Taco Seasoning! I looked at multiple | examples of taco | seasoning | recipes | online before scratching this up. They’re all very, very similar, so I just tweaked the proportions slightly for our own family’s tastes. Here’s a basic easy homemade taco seasoning mix, which you can then play with to change up proportions or flavors as …

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