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Went to Goodwill and bought everything shopping


Somehow I spent $82 at Goodwill today! Yikes! I originally went over to look for clothes for High School Outgrowing-Everything-At-Once-Guy, since Monday is half price green tags day. Well, only a couple of things I picked up had green tags… but I also ended up with all this other stuff. Behold:

  • Jeans for MashupDad.
  • A fall jacket, jeans, and 2 pairs of pants for Mr. 9.
  • Black pants, 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of shorts, and four shirts for High School Guy.
  • Three of those OXO air tight suction seal containers!
  • A file bin filled with file folders (two different colors, so perfect for sorting out all their school papers).
  • A Pampered Chef microwave veggie steamer.
  • Two little soup crocks with lids.
  • A pretty mug.
  • A little Corningware dish.
  • Two ice cream dishes.
  • Two adorable little teacups and a matching tiny bowl.

That’s $81.82 for everything, but I’ll earn a $5.00 coupon next time I go in, so that’s something, lol. The little dishes I thought might be nice in food photos when I write up recipes for you guys, since you must get sick of seeing my same old stuff all the time. So, really: This trip was for you. 😉

What’s your best recent find at Goodwill or other thrift store?


Tuesday 30th of August 2016

I know this is about Goodwill (which I will be visiting after work today to look for my HS guy for some black pants for his new, first job starting tomorrow at JEWEL!)

Anyway, I was at TJ Maxx and they also had a TON of clearance and some had flags marked "Final Clearance" and it was super cheap. I bought some things for the foster baby (to come) that ranged 30¢ to $3. for new items and super cute brand names. Crazy cheap summer clearance. I didn't see much in the adult or kids but maybe other stores would have.


Tuesday 30th of August 2016

I have turned my two sons (8 & 12) into thrift store converts! While visiting family out-of-state, we wandered through a consignment store, and on the way out I saw two sets of Skylanders Giants video game figures. The nice lady at the counter let them swap out between the two sets, and they got 9 "much needed" giants for their game for $12.99 (apparently the figures already had upgrades, which is good, even though I'm not too sure what that means!). To buy them new would have been $150+!

I always look for Fiestaware at thrift stores. I also like when stores have a "bag sale" when you fill it for one price; happened into a Savers last month, got some great stuff including a new coat! Also, Ross and Marshall's are having some good end-of-season clearance right now. Got a Jones NY top for $3 at Marshall's last week, and a Calvin Klein dress for $6.99 at Ross yesterday---sometimes those deals beat the thrift stores!


Tuesday 30th of August 2016

Thank you for that! I am making a bee line right for Ross and Marshall's. Looking for a little black dress for a wedding and don't want to pay much. i bought a CK dress at Ross this summer too! Love that place!


Tuesday 30th of August 2016

I LOVED my Pampered Chef veggie steamer. It died years ago, but one of the most convenient tools I had in my kitchen. I found 2 Loft shirts at Goodwill that I love! I actually dropped a haul at Goodwill last Friday. My college kids cleaned out their rooms and I had to get it out of my house! Everyone grabbed a "new" room for themselves as college kids left their rooms! I always look for Corelle dishes when I go.


Monday 29th of August 2016

So, bad kitty doesn't get involved unless it's food? Obviously he doesn't know what a great deal all that stuff is. Nice trip.


Monday 29th of August 2016

Bad kitty was sleeping, shhhhh...


Monday 29th of August 2016

I can't believe you found those OXO containters! I was just looking at them, new, at the Carson's sale, and the medium size was about $24. Nice haul!


Monday 29th of August 2016

I know! I always look at them on the kitchen sales and can't bring myself to buy them -- these are a little scratched up but all the lids seal perfectly. :)