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What’s Rachel Reading? Year of No Sugar, plus real food articles

I’ve struggled this week with my ongoing efforts to limit added sugars and processed foods — it ebbs, and it flows. Through sheer serendipity, though, I’ve recently run across several books and articles that have me more determined than ever to get back on track. (This week of chile mocha brownies has been delicious, but …

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40 pounds down — This is one reason why I meal plan

Those of you who have lost weight — does this happen to you, too? Even though you now may be buying clothes in smaller sizes, you don’t really see the difference in yourself or trust in the process until you run across old photos and realize, oh, yes: There is actually a difference here, look …

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37 lbs, plus some thoughts on weight loss, process, and what to ignore

Hey hey! I know you all probably thought I’d completely abandoned this series on refined sugar, real food, and how everything’s been progressing here — but no, things actually do keep on keeping on behind the scenes. When last we checked in almost five months ago, I was down 27 lbs from where I started …

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I wore shorts today! (And you should too…)

Hey! It’s in the 90s in Chicago today and… I’m wearing shorts, guys! I know, what’s the big deal, right? Right? They’re not short shorts; they’re not super cute shorts; they’re just plain old “it’s hot in Chicago” Dockers shorts that I actually picked up at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago. But… This is …

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Refined Sugar and Me Wrap-up: Down 27 lbs, plus, the best yoga bra

You guys probably thought that I had completely abandoned this “refined sugar and me” series, because it’s been so long since I’ve added anything to it! Here’s what happened. I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. But through the end of last year and across the …

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