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40 pounds down — This is one reason why I meal plan

Those of you who have lost weight — does this happen to you, too? Even though you now may be buying clothes in smaller sizes, you don’t really see the difference in yourself or trust in the process until you run across old photos and realize, oh, yes: There is actually a difference here, look …

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Refined Sugar and Me Week 29 — Trust No One, Part Two

Welcome to week 29 of our ongoing (yet sometimes intermittent) series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week I’m still plateaued at 16 pounds down from when I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. But on a more upbeat note, this week’s win was: Not …

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Refined Sugar and Me Week 26 — New Nutrition Labels Postponed Indefinitely

Welcome to week 26 of our ongoing series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week… well, the pound I lost last week came back, so I’m back to 16 pounds less than when I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. In our ongoing science experiment …

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Refined Sugar and Me Week 25 — Real Food Meets Real Life

Welcome to week 25 of our ongoing series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week I’m down another pound, for a total of 17 pounds less than when I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. My comfortable capris from last summer are falling off me, …

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Refined Sugar and Me week 24 — Pizza Peril, Nutrition Labels, and Real Food Snacks

Welcome to week 24 of our ongoing series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week I am still holding steady at a total of 16 pounds down from when I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. Yesterday I was actually 17 pounds down and feeling pretty …

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Refined Sugar and Me week 23 — Unprofitable Comparisons

Welcome to week 23 of our ongoing series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week I am holding steady at a total of 16 pounds down from when I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016 — it bopped around a bit with all of the Memorial Day/last …

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