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AI meets ALDI on a snowy Saturday

Just for fun: I spent too much time playing around with the ChatGPT AI chat today, so let me share with you a poem it wrote for me about ALDI!

a chatgpt poem about aldi

So this one is just for fun on a chilly, snowy Saturday: Have you all played around with the ChatGPT AI yet? It will chat with you, it will answer your questions, and… it will even write poetry! So, of course, I asked it to write me a poem about ALDI, and here’s what it came up with. This poetic masterpiece is just too amazing not to share, so let me present to you:

A ChatGPT Poem About ALDI

Aldi, the store of low prices
Where savings are always in the air
With fresh produce and quality goods
Shoppers flock, without a care

Bargains and deals are in abundance
From cereal to cheese and meat
Budget-friendly options, aplenty
Making every shopping trip complete

The aisles are clean and organized
With helpful staff to greet
At Aldi, you’ll find what you need
And leave with more than enough to eat

No frills or fancy displays
Just good food at a fair price
Aldi, where shopping is a breeze
And every penny feels like nice

So come one, come all
To this store of discount dreams
At Aldi, you’ll find it all
Or so it seems.

I think that my favorite part is “every penny feels like nice,” but in all seriousness — could you do better?! 😉 Try chatting around with ChatGPT yourself, and comment here with your favorite responses.


Saturday 28th of January 2023

This is great!

Where was this technology when I was in college? LOL