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Refined Sugar and Me Wrap-up: Down 27 lbs, plus, the best yoga bra

You guys probably thought that I had completely abandoned this “refined sugar and me” series, because it’s been so long since I’ve added anything to it! Here’s what happened. I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. But through the end of last year and across the …

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Refined Sugar and Me Week 45: Handling the Holidays

Welcome to week 45 of our ongoing (yet intermittent) series about refined sugar & me in 2017. Since last we checked in with our intrepid heroine (yup, that’s me!), I’ve been prescribed medication with the unfortunate side effect of increased appetite and weight gain. So… in the 9 weeks since we last talked refined sugar and …

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Refined Sugar and Me Week 36: Full-Fat Dairy, FTW!

Welcome to week 36 of our ongoing (yet intermittent) series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week we’re finally settled into back to school, and I’m finally back on track: Down another 2 pounds from our last report three weeks ago, and 18 pounds less than from when I first started avoiding most added sugars …

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Refined Sugar and Me Week 33 — Later!

Welcome to week 33 of our ongoing (yet intermittent) series about refined sugar & me in 2017. This week I continue to sit at 16 pounds down from when I first started avoiding most added sugars and processed foods at the end of December 2016. And: I know, it’s been a whole month since my last refined …

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